It's terrible that I didn't get to the writing today. And yet...
It was my husband's birthday. We had a nice celebration; my husband loved his presents, and enjoyed the cake, and our son had fun unwrapping the presents, lighting the candles with me, and helping my husband blow them out. It was a simple event, yet meaningful.
I had a good run. I still haven't checked to see how far I went. Felt strong twinges of pain in my knee at the start, but kept on running, and those twinges vanished and I ran slowly but steadily...and the absence of pain made it all feel extra good.
I cleaned the kitchen and straightened out papers, something I've needed to do for at least a month now...I had to do it because the plumber is coming tomorrow to redo the kitchen pipes. Now the kitchen looks presentable--not completely chaotic--which is a big mood-booster somehow.
I thought more about moving to Washington...which won't happen any time soon, certainly not this year and probably not next...but I have a stronger and stronger feeling that it's in the cards for, perhaps, four years from now; perhaps six. And my husband feels the same way. Somehow, that makes us both feel pretty good. We feel like we're headed towards a more balanced, less frenetic life.
And, speaking of frenetic, I have a meeting at my son's school tomorrow, to talk about parent drivers who are breaking safety rules for drop-off and pickup times; I've done my utmost to notify all the people that should be there about this meeting...and they're all coming. Mission accomplished.
So things are every area except the writing. Which feels bad. But tomorrow--after the meeting--will charge ahead.
I give myself eight days to finish the whole damn thing.
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