Monday, January 18, 2016

Oh Well

I wasn't very successful at getting things done, again today...but I wasn't completely pathetic either. A few chores took up an inordinate amount of time.  I decided today that the Number One priority had to be, transplanting all the potted plants and seedlings that needed transplanting in the front and back yards...some of those poor plants were obviously desperate to get out of their confined spaces.  I also managed to do some cleaning (though very little), and got on my exercise bike for 35 minutes (not the outdoor bike which has been languishing in my garage since the rains finally returned to California over a month ago).  Went shopping for basic stuff.  That's about it...

But I forgot to mention...the cat woke up both my husband and me at 3 a.m. with her "Let's play!" meow, so soft and cute (and SO annoying)...then, a minute later, my son stumbled into our bedroom announcing that one of his front teeth had just come out, and I had to help him rinse out his mouth and stash the tooth in a safe spot so the tooth fairy could do her job...I could NOT get back to sleep until around 5:00 or 5:30.  And that was after at least three nights in a row of slightly less-than-adequate sleep, partly because my son seems to be coming down with something.  So my having accomplished "precious little" is a-okay.  After all--my sanity is still intact.

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