Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Photo

Just a quick note about the photograph--a shot of me on a beach in Hawaii, pretending to read a guidebook; I chose a vague photo to maintain some level of anonymity, and, as previously mentioned, I've chosen not to display my son in photographs, nor, for the most part, in prose. But I also chose this photo because it speaks to the fantasies of any beleaguered new mother, suffering from lack of sleep and (just as painfully perhaps) lack of leisure time. The thought of reading a book, any silly book, on a beach anywhere, for an entire two hours or so--seems to me the most delicious luxury imaginable. I know that this one, simple event--reading a book on a beach--might not take place in my life for another two or three years, at the least.

On the other hand--perhaps I should make an effort to take my son to one of the city beaches and see if he will allow me a half-hour of restful reading, if not an entire two hours. The only way this will happen, as long as he is an infant or toddler, is if he is sleeping...then there's the thought of packing up all his gear and trucking it all the way to a, it's something less than a restful image, taking my son to the beach at this point in his life. Still, I suppose I might try it one of these days.

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