Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday evening 11 pm

A late posting because I decided to spend quality time this evening with, no, not the baby, but the other two members of the family, after the baby went to of those other members just dropped something very heavy in her room before going to bed and somehow, the baby slept on. The determination of babies to sleep at certain moments is remarkable. Though they show an equal determination to stay awake, at others. Yes, my heart and that of my husband's nearly stopped, both of us thinking something horrible had happened to the baby; but he was sleeping calmly through it all.

Sometimes it seems like everything about raising a child is designed to throw a parent completely out of balance. I'm getting a little bit better at not panicking at the drop of a hat, but it's a hard skill to learn.

Still exhausted. My brother and his wife are babysitting for four hours tomorrow. The only thing I feel like doing with those golden hours of free time is visiting a sauna and lying on the couch reading the paper.

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