Friday, August 21, 2009

Walk Dependence

Did not walk the baby today--it was a scrambled day, in which he did not take a real nap at all. He might have been excited and intrigued by the fact that his first tooth emerged--perhaps last night, perhaps sometime this morning. My husband discovered it. Just a little whiteness, about a millimeter in height--but when you put your finger on it, there it is--a real, definite tooth.

I had no idea that when the tooth emerges, what comes through is just the very uppermost portion--I don't know what I expected, but I guess my mental image was that the entire tooth pops out all of a sudden. Of course, that doesn't make much sense.

A tooth. I can understand why this is such a celebrated event, why entire pages of baby scrapbooks are devoted to the emergence of teeth. Yet somehow I did not feel the elation that is supposed to accompany such events...instead, because he never took a real nap, I spent most of the day feeling agitated, from overtiredness but also from lack of contact with the outside world. I really missed that walk. Somehow that anchors the day for me now--the walk, the investigation of some quiet local scene, and later, writing about our walks in this blog.

Strange how quickly I've become dependent on the writing as well as the walks themselves.

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