My son still does not speak. But he communicates, and above all, he listens.
Something happened between 14 and 15 months of age, I would say...he was becoming very expressive already at 6 or 7 months, and it ramped up dramatically at around 11 months, but it's nothing like it is now.
He is so eager to learn things--it's so obvious--that I can't seem to introduce new activities into his life fast enough. I do feel a certain pressure to become a walking entertainment center; but I have to keep things in perspective. My kid had a whale of a time vacuuming with me today. He also loves turning in a circle with his finger pointed in the air, like a drunken disco dancer. Falling suddenly against one or the other parent for a hug is another favorite. He often makes up his own new games; and then, he listens so astutely that we're now watching every word we say, and the way that we say it. I know that if he only had the house, the playground and the grocery store as his fields of exploration, with very few toys added, he would still thrive.
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