Thursday, June 3, 2010

Swimming Blues Part 2

Today was an unremarkable day; part of me is still focused on that very difficult twenty minutes in the pool with my son yesterday. It's horrible to hear your own child sobbing with fear, and to know that you're the cause of that trauma. I wanted to leave after five minutes; the instructor told me that this kind of fear was a common reaction and I should stick it out through the whole class. I held my son close as we wandered around in our corner of the pool; I kept murmuring something, anything, mostly to give him the sound of my voice. I didn't know what to say. What do you say to someone who's out of his mind with fear? We left after twenty minutes (ten minutes before the end), and it was one of the longest twenty minutes of my life.

That's all I'll write today, as other duties call this evening. Just don't know, at this point, if I can (or should) put my son through that again.

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