Monday, June 14, 2010

The Perfect Robot: Mom's Little Helper

Here's what any mom would buy in a heartbeat: a friendly little robot, about fifteen inches high, whose sole job is to wander around the house picking up toys or books a baby or toddler has dropped on the floor.

Of course, this would not teach the toddler to pick up after himself. But toddlers learn that lesson imperfectly anyway during the first eighteen months or so (perhaps there are extraordinarily neat toddlers, but then they must be like little robots themselves). And then again, maybe the kid would learn by watching the robot. I'm sure my son would get a huge kick out of watching a robot tool around the house picking things up.

The robot would also have to know how to sense a toddler's approach and be able to protect itself somehow...I haven't worked out the kinks yet, but I'm sure this product would sell.

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