Monday, June 7, 2010

Time to Vote?

My little one has only slept sporadically during the last two and a half hours (he went to bed at around 7:30). I went to him earlier and just held him, but a few minutes ago, he was crying so intensely that I went back to him right away and gave him Tylenol (or actually, the Walgreens ibuprofen substitute), and water, and held him; he drifted back to sleep, although his cough continues; he also came down with the fourth cold in two and a half months, this morning.

Welcome to the world of the 15-month-old, I guess. But on the bright side--he's developing his personality and character in so many wonderful ways that if this is the worst of the down side, it's not that far down.

As for the title of this post--I finally filled in my mail-in ballot today, for tomorrow's elections. An event which has no significance for anyone except me. But it made me feel like life, even life-with-toddler, is manageable, somehow...after taking care of baby, cleaning, exercising, writing this blog and pursuing a few other writing and translation projects, organizing playgroup gatherings, and desperately trying to keep my papers and financial life in order--I have thirty minutes a day left for everything else. So I really don't have time to vote...but I made time today. For which, yes, this mama is insufferably proud of herself.

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