Perhaps the most difficult thing to come to terms with, as the mother of a toddler, is just HOW vulnerable they are at this age. My boy is tall, as I've mentioned before; and he likes to move fast. Combine that with the fact that he's only been walking for a couple months, and it spells trouble.
But it's not just about physical vulnerability. His mood fluctuates; his heart is so hungry for praise, for love, for recognition, and for independence, all at the same time it seems, that he literally spins in five directions at once, hungry for it all; or he reaches out to grab five different things in the space of a minute. And when he can't get what he desperately wants, he lets me know. Loudly.
And how does it affect him the day after he's been dunked in a pool? Am I imagining it, or was he a little more prone to mood swings today than usual?
It may be true. At the same time--I realize that I can't just hover over him constantly, protecting him from everything.
But I sure wish I could protect him from everything that really hurts.
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