Friday, June 4, 2010

Older Moms Rock

I've met some wonderful older moms in the last fifteen months, through these two mothers' groups I've helped organize. I have yet to learn the details of most of these women's lives; I don't even know what many of them did or are doing for a living. But I see a rock-solid reliability and steadiness in some of them; an ability to laugh at oneself in others; and a sheer delight in motherhood in nearly all of them--all of which reminds me, whenever we get together, that this really is an amazing time in my life.

These moms nurture me, not just because mothers know what other mothers are going through (though that's a very important reason we get together), but because older moms, most of them, really understand what a privilege it is to be a mother. We're not taking very much for granted.

Also--seeing some of them pursue their careers on top of being new mothers (we have a surgeon, an architect, at least two lawyers, and an art festival coordinator in our group, for example) makes me remember that motherhood does not have to be all-consuming. (Though I've almost let it become that in recent months.)

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