Saturday, November 14, 2015


I don't have much to say tonight.  Stayed up too late last night reading accounts of the horror in thoughts keep returning to the simple fact that these were people relaxing at the end of the work week, going to a soccer match, gathering for quiet meals or for a concert by a seventies blues-rock band (not a death-metal band, the name was some kind of strange joke).  They were just relaxing, bothering no one.

Anyone can relate, in any city; we all do these kinds of things.  Thus the attacks are all the more chilling.

But even if they are chilling--we cannot simply recoil in horror.  First, we must go out and celebrate our lives, every day, on restaurant terraces and in concert halls and soccer stadiums.  The terrorists are like bullies everywhere--they thrive on attention, on alarm, on sensationalistic stories about them.  They do not thrive if people are simply enjoying their lives.

I still feel disoriented about what happened yesterday, in spite of my remarks here...not just disoriented, I feel sick about it.

But life goes on.

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