Saturday, November 21, 2015

Getting It Done

Spent about four hours polishing/rewriting stories today.  It has been months, maybe years, since I've spent that much time writing/editing on a Saturday...I usually have way too much to do with/for my family on any given Saturday to carve out even two hours for writing.  But my husband took our son hiking for a couple hours, and when they got home, they did a video game together and I kept right on going for another hour and a half.

I always feel guilty when I let my son play video games on the iPad or on the computer for more than an hour.  He loves it, of course...that's usually what he's doing, any time I'm not there to coax him to read a book or do some math or writing or an art project.

Some parents don't allow any video-game playing during the week; our son is spending up to three hours on the iPad or the computer these days--almost every day.  It's gone way too far.  Maybe we'll have to cut it down to about one hour a day, Monday through Thursday, then two hours a day on the weekend...even that liberal amount would be a tragedy for him, but I think it's high time we established that rule--and got him going with extracurricular activities at the same time (I'd held back on those because the start of the school year, and the instigation of homework, is usually stressful for him...but we're way past the start of the school year, and he has very little homework).

Mainly what I want for him, is to start using his "Getting It Done" muscle--I want him to start setting difficult goals for himself and achieving them.

On that subject:  I've reached the final edit of #37; one-third done.  If I can muscle through 9 stories a day, I could be done by the end of the month.  

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