Monday, November 23, 2015

Eat Some Sugar and Relax

It will be tough to break my sugar habit.  I understand intellectually why it's necessary--I'm a slave to cookies, chocolate, and cake; it's rare that a day goes by without the consumption of at least one of these items.

And the reason for this is pretty simple:  I associate the consumption of a sugary food with all of life's high or low moments.  A bad day?  Eat something sweet, and the world isn't such a gloomy place.  A great day?  Eat some chocolate to celebrate!  And it goes beyond that...put a piece of cake in front of me and I feel like I can relax, whether I'm having a bad day or a good one.

Sugar has served me well in the high moments, in the low moments, and in just about every moment in between...except that it could be killing me slowly.  Various studies have shown a relationship between sugar and almost every horrible disease there is.

It'll be tough, but not impossible, to break this habit, if I find other, better ways to relax, to celebrate, and to get over the rough patches.

I probably need to drink more tea, for one thing--and maybe take up a few new hobbies to get myself out of the old "eat some sugar and feel better" mindset.  Anything:  knitting, solitaire, baking bread, making birdhouses. Why not?  Whatever it takes to break this habit for good.

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