Sunday, November 22, 2015

Not So Hot

I must have irritated my husband today when he suggested taking our son to the beach and I kept repeating that it was a crazy idea, it was too cold, etc.  Our son loves to jump in the waves, on any beach, at any time of the year.

The water, even with El Nino warming it, was fifty-eight degrees today in the Half Moon Bay area.  (I looked it up.)  Luckily the air temperature wasn't bad, in the high sixties or even low seventies...but I was still worried.  In the end, though, they went, and our son had a terrific time for an hour in those frigid husband reported that people stared at the little boy in astonishment.  "The only people in the water were the surfers, and him," he said.  And the little guy came home still bouncing with energy.  

While they were gone I devoted myself to cleaning the house and buying Christmas gifts online.  Got bogged down in the latter task for about two hours, so didn't get far with the cleaning/tidying project; still have piles and piles of paperwork to sort through upstairs.  Have to get it done by the end of the year.

If that makes me sound like a neat freak--I'm definitely not.  I've had too much junk lying around in the upstairs bedrooms for months now.  

Made absolutely no progress with the writing today, needless to say.  

Was feeling massively discouraged this afternoon, about the writing, mostly; just had a feeling that it was all worthless, no one was going to read anything I wrote, I might as well throw in the towel as a writer, etc...went for a long jog, over five miles, which was surprisingly easy.  These days my body seems to have more confidence in me than my brain does.  

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