Monday, November 30, 2015

This Sugar Thing

My goal is not to eliminate all sugar from my diet; only the most sugar-laden substances.  (Eliminating all sugar from the typical Western diet is virtually impossible.)  All the foods I listed yesterday have to be off the list for the time being.

I'll still have toast with jam from time to time, or an apple or a banana or blueberries.  I'll still eat some pre-cooked meals (Amy's cheese tamale verde is a favorite) that have up to 10 grams of sugar.  Any meal that comes with more than 10 grams of sugar, though, is off-limits.  

Just twelve hours into this, however, I've already messed up twice.  I ate half an apricot-rasberry cookie early this morning--completely forgetting about my diet; but I remembered a second later and threw the rest of it away.  Later, however, I ate one and a half Pepperidge Farm Bourdeaux cookies...on purpose.  Okay, that's just 5 grams of sugar, total...but still.  How could I be so weak after just twelve hours?  

I'm that addicted, I guess.  

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