My son has come down with what looks and acts very much like norovirus. He threw up four times in the last two and a half hours. Right now he's doing better.
Norovirus is such a horrible illness. It takes over, completely, like someone coming into your life and saying, "Stop everything! I'm in control now." You feel like throwing up fifty percent of the time for several hours, or even, for a couple days. You feel so wiped out you can hardly move from your bed, except to hurl yourself into the bathroom, then...hurl. Then you feel better, but extremely tired and it's hard to eat much--and anyway, you aren't supposed to go anywhere for another 48 hours after you stop throwing up because just a few cells of the virus are enough to make others violently ill.
I read that they were on the trail of a vaccine in 2012...haven't heard what the latest developments are, but I know that several million people in this country will be standing up and cheering when they actually come up with something for this horrible beast of a sickness.
I think I have a pretty good chance of getting it since it's highly contagious and I'm not exactly avoiding my son right now. I'm being very careful, using a bleach/water solution to clean any surface that might have been touched by the virus, washing his bedding and clothes, and mine, with bleach; but that's no guarantee.
[Evening update: my son threw up four more times, but it tapered off at around 3 p.m. Seems like it wasn't as violent an attack as the previous time he had it, for which I'm very grateful.]
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