Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Lead Belly Day

I forgot to post yesterday--but then, it was a Lead Belly Day.  At least until about 9 p.m. when the crisis was resolved.

The expression "Lead Belly Day" comes from a former work colleague.  Maybe she heard it in her childhood in Texas, where the blues musician Lead Belly lived most of his life.  I worked for an arts festival in San Francisco in the early 90s.  The festival ran into the red, to such a degree that it had to shut down in the midst of its one-month run.  On the day when we really knew the worst of it, when they told us we would be out of a job by the end of the week, my colleague, a funny black woman in her thirties, sighed, sat down hard and said, "This is a Lead Belly kind of Day."

When the blues are sinking deep into your bones, and your heart hangs down around your ankles...that's a Lead Belly Day.  But as I said, the situation drastically reversed itself yesterday at around 9 o'clock in the evening...and I was so overjoyed about this change of circumstances that thoughts of this post never crossed my mind.  (I won't say exactly what happened--too personal.)

Yes, I'm going to make a daily entry here, as I did six years ago...that's the plan; to do it again for about a year, which is how long I lasted the first time.  If I miss a day here and there, I won't cry about it.  

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