Monday, September 21, 2015

On the Ropes in Monterey

Just back from Monterey, which was beautiful today, 82 degrees or thereabouts and sunny; my son and I made a quick getaway yesterday because today (Monday) was a teacher learning day (no school).  We went whale-watching this morning.

We did the same thing last year, and on that trip we saw a massive amount of humpbacks, 30 at least, and many of them lunge-feeding, which means they stick their snouts high up out of the water to scoop up huge mouthfuls of fish, and they usually do it in a big circle and in unison, perhaps as a way of trapping the fish...often you see the sea lions jumping around in that same circle, feeding at will, just before the whales lunge up all around them.  We also had 15 or 20 dolphins swimming right alongside the boat for miles.  It was spectacular, and I'd heard reports of similar sightings this year. But today's trip involved about 10 humpbacks partially emerging then slowly diving about 200 feet from the boat, plus about seven dolphins.  I think my son got more out of it this year than last...and I found it moving, even if last year's sighting packed more of a wallop; the main problem this time was that I was just physically not there for at least half the journey.

I'm one of the least sea-worthy people I know.  I get seasick snorkeling; I get seasick almost every time I'm on a small or even medium-sized boat with any kind of wave action.  I did not get sick last year; this year, I bought us passes to the upper deck, which rocked violently back and forth every eight seconds or so.  I was physically ill for about an hour during the three-hour trip.

It's embarrassing to throw up on a boat full of people where there are few places to hide...luckily there were moments when everyone's gaze was directed towards the whales and I think I managed to do it discreetly enough (tucked away in far corners of the boat, or stumbling into the restroom) that almost no one was aware of me...and thank goodness they provided barf bags.

On top of all that, I was sick at eleven p.m. the night before, most likely because of my dinner (strange-tasting hamburger, odd-smelling quinoa side dish) at a Cannery Row restaurant.

At least my son had a blast.

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