Sunday, September 13, 2015


We've been absolutely blasted by heat this past week; today, Sunday, wasn't nearly so bad, and the coming week should be fantastic--mid to upper seventies.  The thermostat goes up again next Sunday, son has Monday the 21st off for a "teacher learning day," and I'm taking advantage of that to head out of town with him next Sunday, just the two of us, for a quick trip to Monterey.  We'll keep cool and visit the beach, and also see various sea mammals on a tour of the bay.

Any mom knows how important it is to program little moments of escape into every day, every week, every month, every year.  Both for the mom's sanity, and for the sake of the children, who (usually) thrive on adventure.  My son, however, escapes into his iPad on an all-too-regular basis.  His reaction to the Monterey trip was lukewarm at best; I suspect he was wondering "Will I still have access to the iPad?"  

His iPad is becoming the thing from which we must escape.

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