Wednesday, September 16, 2015

No Homework

"I am not a big fan of homework."

At Back to School Night tonight, my son's first grade teacher uttered these magic words...opening the door to a year of adventure and exploration for my son, who hated the homework assignments last year, after the first month had passed and the novelty had worn off.  Much of his kindergarten homework was mind-numbingly repetitive.  I had to coax, cajole and cry (almost) last year to get him to finish it every week.  It was the low point of the week for both of us.  But this year, maybe, he won't dread any part of school--well, maybe that's a little too much to ask...

As for my own homework, I wrote another story today...not sure if it's any good; found myself wandering into unfamiliar subject matter.  All of these stories commit the sin of having plots and central characters (they are predictable in that sense--Breton would not have approved), but I wanted them all to pivot around one crucial that sense they are more like splashes of feeling, rather than traditional stories.  The story I wrote today does pivot, but how gracefully?  Not sure.

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