Monday, September 14, 2015


I'm calling my stories "short-short stories," for lack of a better term...I need to find a better term.

"Flash fiction" has become a popular label for any story under three pages long, but I don't much like it.  It might be okay for a two-line poem, or Hemingway's shortest story ever (how does it go:  "For Sale:  baby shoes, never used."  Something like that).  But it's not great for a two-page story, which can't be read "in a flash."

Coffee stories?  (They can definitely be read in the time it takes the average person to drink a cup of coffee.)  But that would be too confusing, it sounds like "coffee table stories" which makes one think of coffee table books...actually I like coffee table books and think all books belong on coffee tables not bookshelves...but that's another subject.

I'd like to come up with a better term.  But for's perhaps more urgent to come up with a title for the whole collection.  After finishing three more stories I will weed out the bad ones, edit them all one more time, then start sending them out.  So I need to have a better working title.

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