Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mock Tri

I did a "Mock Tri" this morning, which involved swimming 32 laps in the pool, in a wetsuit, followed immediately by an 8-mile bike ride and a 5K jog.  The most annoying part of it was pulling off the wetsuit, goggles, swim caps and ear plugs, then drying off sufficiently enough to put on socks and shoes and a shirt and bike gloves and a bike helmet and sunglasses...the first transition.  (Why do they even include the transitions in the overall triathlon time?  Just give everyone four minutes to complete the first transition then two minutes to complete the second, and that's it, done, we're being tested solely on our athletic ability not on our organizational and dressing skills).

The best part was the feeling afterwards--it was the second time I've done this, and unlike the first time, I wasn't completely wasted, wasn't breathing like a horse after the Kentucky Derby, wasn't so tired I could hardly move for several minutes.

I am in danger of becoming one of those pumped-up, high-on-life people who are addicted to an intensely physical sporting to make that side of my character compatible with the late-night-movie-watching, eat-ice-cream-and-drink-Jack-Daniels-just-for-the-hell-of-it, I-must-have-the-perfect-cappuccino-right-now side?

I don't know; they'll have to find a way to get along somehow.

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