I am not unhappy, of course, to have lived to the age of 50 without knowing what a Leedsichthys is. I don't think my ignorance about this "biggest fish that ever lived" has impacted my life all that much, after all...but I was surprised to stumble upon this animal in my son's dinosaur book; which then caused me to reflect on the depth of my ignorance on all sorts of subjects.
I hope to impart to my son how desperately important it is to soak up knowledge, at this point in his life...to be curious each and every day, to pack in as much learning as possible on a wide variety of subjects...
Right now his fascination is with dinosaurs and dragons and other scary creatures. Not unlike many boys his age. I try to nurture this interest; but now is the time to discover a huge range of animals, not just mythical and extinct ones...and to learn to draw dragons and dinosaurs, to the best of his ability...and to learn who first created images of dragons, and why, etc. etc.
I'll get off my high horse however, and just enjoy the idea of a fish that was about 45 feet long.
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